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Concert Bands

The West Milford High School Band Program prides itself on musical excellence and currently serves about 150 students who participate in a variety of ensembles including the curricular concert bands. The concert bands serve as the nucleus for the entire program, with both the symphonic band and the wind ensemble meeting daily during the school day.  There are two curricular ensembles that students can participate in: the Symphonic Band and the Wind Ensemble.  Both ensembles are active participants in the New Jersey State Concert Band Festival and has been awarded top ratings at a multitude of festivals. Students participate in a variety of performances, both district wide and in festival settings outside of West Milford Township.  Students participate annually in Winter & Spring concerts, the West Milford District Arts Festival, Concert Band Festivals, and other public venues.  The staff strongly encourages students to challenge themselves and audition for honor ensembles outside of West Milford, including the North Jersey Area Band, North Jersey Region Band, All State Band, and National Honor Ensembles.  West Milford students consistently hold positions in all of these ensembles, including those at the National level.   

Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band rehearses daily and is comprised of students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.  All freshmen are required to participate in Symphonic Band for at least one year before they can audition for the Wind Ensemble.  The ensemble participates in a variety of festivals and concerts, performing literature at grades 2 to 4.5.

Wind Ensemble

The Wind Ensemble is the premier concert band at West Milford and is comprised of students in grades 10, 11, and 12.  Placement into this ensemble is by audition only. The ensemble participates in a variety of festivals and concerts, performing literature at grades 5 to 6.  Students at this advanced level are encouraged to audition for honor ensembles and perform at solo and chamber recitals.


For the first time in school history, the West Milford High School Wind Ensemble was selected to the prestigious New Jersey State Gala Festival (evening concert), which recognizes the top two ensembles from each region in New Jersey.  They received a Gold Rating along with the award for Outstanding Brass Section at the State Concert Band Festival, which served as the qualifier for the State Gala.  


The Wind Ensemble performed at the 2nd annual Metropolitan Wind Band Invitational, which is a festival sponsored by Music for All that is comprised of premier concert bands from the Mid Atlantic Region.  The event took place at Roxbury High School.  Ensembles receive critique and clinics from some of the most esteemed names in the concert band world. 

The Wind Ensemble was recently invited to perform Julie Giroux's Symphony No. IV Bookmarks from Japan at the Ridgewood Concert Band Concert and received outstanding praise.  This marked the second time the ensemble was invited to perform before this esteemed ensemble.  Many students within the West Milford Wind Ensemble participated in the Ridgewood Concert Band's Side-by-Side performance, where several high school students perform alongside members of the Ridgewood Concert Band.

The West Milford HS Symphonic Band participated in the inaugural North Jersey Area Band concert Band Festival at Wayne Hills High School.  The ensemble was judged alongside both concert bands and wind ensembles from other area schools.  We thank all of the parents who came to support the students in this new venture. 

The West Milford HS Wind Ensemble participated in the NJ State Concert Band Festival at Verona High School on March 19th.  The ensemble was judged alongside both concert bands and wind ensembles from other area schools.  The wind ensemble earned a GOLD rating as well as the award for outstanding percussion section. 


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