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Fundraising in an integral part of our band organization.  Some fundraisers help raise money for the entire organization, like our Concession stand that is open at every home football game.  Other fundraisers are used to cover the cost of specific needs of the group, such as our 2023 Designer Bag BINGO which raised enough money to purchase new raincoats for the entire marching band.  Then there are some fundraisers that help each individual student raise funds to be used for trips during their time with the band. Listed below are just a few examples of the fundraisers we run throughout the year. 

Your student earns $4 for every $100 that you and your family/friends spend in ShopRite Gift Cards.  

This fundraiser runs throughout the entire year.  Gift cards are purchased monthly.   This is a great way for your student to earn money.

Orders should be e-mailed to,
Text to: (973)919-9008, or
online at:

Orders due to Marlene Haftek the end of every month
Pickup at Parents meetings or make other arrangements.


(NO orders will be accepted after the deadline, once set.  All orders are FINAL)

Sell , make and deliver the Hoagies!

8 inch hoagies 
3 Foot Hoagies 

Hoagies are made with fresh baked bread, domestic ham, salami, provolone cheese (all name brands), shredded lettuce, onions (optional) & a packet of Italian dressing for the 8" or a bottle of dressing for the 3 footers

Hoagies are made Super Bowl Sunday 
(9 AM at Macopin) 
You make and deliver the Hoagies you sell.


Sale Starts:

Sale Ends:

Curbside Pick Up Date:

Before Thanksgiving


Ashley Farms Cheesecake Sale
Orders can be placed through a band student.  Orders placed through a band student will be delivered to the school and must be picked up within the pick up window provided..  All products arrive frozen and there is no place to keep them at the school.

Next Sale TBD

Order must be picked up within the pick up window provided.  All products arrive frozen and there is no place to keep them at the school.
  • Nov 16th  14th Annual Military Concert and Tattoo

  • Nov 22nd  TGMBOP

  • Dec 7th  Tag Day — holiday music performed at multiple locations in downtown West Milford

  • Dec 19th  Winter Concert

  • Mar 17th  NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade

  • Mar 27th  Districtwide Arts Festival

  • Apr 3rd  Jazz Band Festival

  • Apr 11-15th Disney Trip

  • May 20th  Macopin/High School Jazz Ensemble at Bubbling Springs

  • May 22nd  Spring Concert

  • May 26th  West Milford Memorial Day Parade

  • May 27  Band Banquet


WMBPA 50/50 Raffle

Is run for the benefit of Band Operations

Tickets: $2.00 donation per ticket


at the Annual Tattoo!

Prize:  50% of Cash Receipts

Winner Need Not Be Present!

Butter Braid® Braided Pastries

Orders can be placed through a band student.  Orders placed through a band student will be delivered to the school and must be picked up within the pick up window provided..  All products arrive frozen and there is no place to keep them at the school.

Sale Starts:


Sale Ends:

Pick Up Date:


Poinsettia Plant Sale

Please help us adorn the stage with beautiful poinsettia plants for our annual winter concert.

Plants are $10 each and can be picked up immediately after the concert.

To purchase a plant, please click the buy now button.


West Milford Percussion proudly uses the following products
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