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WMBPA Committees
New committee co-chairs are needed annually to learn the ropes and take the lead in coming years as seniors graduate...

Band Banquet

Volunteers are needed to help with invitations, decorate, student

gifts and slide show.  The banquet is the day after the WM Memorial Day parade.  Participation in the parade is a requirement to attend the banquet.

Band Camp BBQ & Ice Cream Social

Volunteers are needed to organize, buy food & supplies, order shirts and distribute, cook & distribute food for last day of band camp. Cheesecake Sale

Volunteers are needed to organize the sale by obtaining order packets and collecting orders, organize the delivery, sorting and distributing on day of delivery (usually the end of September) 

Concession Stand

The concession stand is owned by the Band Parent's Association. Volunteers are needed to clean prior to football season, organize workers &  purchase food. Day of football game (usually Friday night) set-up, cook, sell food, clean-up. Lots of volunteers needed so that volunteers don't have to work every event. 

Colorguard Preview Show
January - Indoor Guard's main fundraiser! Volunteers are needed to Plan and Organize. Also the night of, we need people for Security, Concession Stand, Tickets, Food Preparation/distribution for performers. Prior to event, we need people to work on Program, Ticket Sales
Equipment Crew

Volunteers are needed to organize the loading and unloading of equipment trucks and assist the band and guard with the half-time show during football games, competitions, and parades. 

General Volunteer

A great place to sign up to give a hand with the odds and ends or if we are swampted.  We need a list of people who might be able to help, depending on their schedule.

Hoagie Sale

Volunteers are needed the morning of Super Bowl Sunday to assist students to assemble hoagies; purchase refreshments for workers; clean-up. Prior to that, hoagie captains are needed to organize sale & volunteers to weigh cold cuts/cheese, organize trays; slice onions in advance; pick up bread the morning of event. 

Hospitality Committee

Volunteers are needed to set-up refreshments and clean-up after concerts and for Senior Recognition at the Spring Concert - ordering cake for reception after the concert. Order corsages for Senior Band members and distribute on the night of the Spring Concert. 

Indoor Percussion Show (Drums in the Highlands)
February - Indoor Percussion's Main Fundraiser! Volunteers are needed to Plan and Organize. Also the night of, we need people for Security, Concession Stand, Tickets, Food Preparation/distribution for performers. Prior to event, we need people to work on Program, Ticket Sales, T-shirt design/order.
Jazz Festival
April - Volunteers are needed to run admissions, concessions, candy grams.
Macopin Band Day

Volunteers are needed to organize, serve and clean up a a bbq or pizza dinner given to the band/guard and 8th grade guests. This occurs during the fall when the 8th grade students join the Highlander Marching Band and staff to travel to a band competition. Some chaperones may be needed.  

Marching Band Competition
September - Our Newest Fund Raiser. Volunteers are needed to Plan and Organize. Also the night of, we need people for Security, Concession Stand, Tickets, 50/50, Food Preparation/distribution for performers. Prior to event, we need people to work on Program, Ticket Sales, T-shirt design/order. Please note what you are interested in or general volunteer! 

We sell “branded” merchandise to the families of the band so they can show their pride and spirit. The committee will organize the ordering process as well as work with the supplier of the merchandise. Also help with Tattoo & Band Camp T-shirts. 


Twice Yearly - Put your journalistic hobby to good use! Gather the info and distribute.

Paint & Sip

November - Plan a fun evening fundraiser on the creative side!

Poinsettia Sale

Sold by students and used to decorate stage for the Winter Concert. Purchased plants go home after the concert. Volunteers needed to organize sale and distribution. 

Publicity Committee

Take pictures, make sure that the band gets good “press coverage” for their accomplishments. Advertise upcoming fundraisers & events. 

Senior students are awarded scholarships at the Band Banquet. A committee forms to review applications and select the recipients following established criteria. 
Senior Night

Senior students who are in the band, guard & their parents are honored at a reception in the cafeteria before a home football game. Volunteers are needed to help set-up, serve & clean up at reception. Have photographer take pictures, order corsages (band/band families). 

Shop Rite Gift Cards
We sell Shop Rite gift cards.  The Chairperson, tracks the list of purchases and remits the money to the bands treasurer.
Show Props & Sewing

Props - Volunteers are needed to design and build the props that are used in the field show.
Sewing - Volunteers are also needed to design and sew uniform modifications for the field show. These will usually be in the form of baldrics and capes, bot who knows what the Directors will throw at us.

Tag Day

Usually 1st Saturday in December. Students play holiday music (in uniform) in groups in front of selected local businesses for donations. Chair person will send out letter to local stores for permission. Volunteers are needed to chaperone (2 per location). 

Tattoo Concert

Mid-November – Our Largest Fund Raiser. Volunteers are needed to Plan and Organize. Also the night of, we need people for Security, Concession Stand, Tickets, 50/50, Food Preparation/distribution for performers. Prior to event, we need people to work on Program, Ticket Sales, T-shirt design/order. Please note what you are interested in or general volunteer! 

Uniform Committee

Volunteers are needed to distribute uniforms (evenings, late in August) and collect uniforms to be cleaned (the beginning of June). People are needed to measure students; distribute uniform pieces; handle fees; handle shoe order for Band Dir. 


Maintain the association’s website, facebook, etc; receive instructions from executive board and staff for content placed on the website. Keep the information current. 

West Milford Percussion proudly uses the following products
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